Not sure if you figured it out for yourself, but I posted an idea on my blog which I'll share here. It's in VB though.
then do a For Each loop on the Catalogs subobject (catalog.Catalogs)
'Create our Catalog of different Catalogs
Dim catalog = New AggregateCatalog()
'Add in any plugins that are in our own assembly
catalog.Catalogs.Add(New AssemblyCatalog(GetType(Main).Assembly))
'Check to see if our directory for our Plugins exists, if so add it as well
If Directory.Exists("addons") Then catalog.Catalogs.Add(New DirectoryCatalog("addons", "*.dll"))
'If we have any saved Locations outside of the main base locations (I use this in my project)
If My.Settings.AddonLocations.Count > 0 Then
For Each addloc In My.Settings.AddonLocations
If System.IO.Directory.Exists(addloc.ToString) Then
'Add those as well
catalog.Catalogs.Add(New DirectoryCatalog(addloc, "*.dll"))
End If
End If
'Create the CompositionContainer with the parts in the catalog
_container = New CompositionContainer(catalog)
'Fill the imports of this object
'If that was successful, then we know everything loaded, let's grab the filenames
For Each cat In catalog.Catalogs
'Check to make sure that the Catalog is a Directory Catalog (There are multiple TYPES)
If TypeOf cat Is DirectoryCatalog Then
'Let's create a DirectoryCatalog and merge it with the contents of the current Catalog
Dim catdir As DirectoryCatalog = cat
'If the file loaded correctly then continue
If catdir.LoadedFiles.Count > 0 Then
'Grab each file individually
For Each lf In ids.LoadedFiles
'MessageBox the result for us to what you will with it though
'Loop Back Through Each DLL
End If
Else 'Wasnot a Directory Catalog. The only other Catalog we coded for was an Assembly
Dim asm As AssemblyCatalog = i
'Again lets message out that location as well.
End If
'Loop back through again
Catch ref As ReflectionTypeLoadException
For Each ex In ref.LoaderExceptions
End Try
So basically, grab your AggregateCatalog that you created ("catalog" object in my code), then do a For Each loop on the Catalogs subobject (catalog.Catalogs)
foreach ( void cat in catalog.Catalogs){
Then check what kind of Catalog you have, as they have different propertiesif (cat is DirectoryCatalog) {
DirectoryCatalog catdir = cat;
if (catdir.LoadedFiles.Count > 0) {
foreach (void filename in ids.LoadedFiles) {
Interaction.MsgBox(filename.ToString); //DirectoryCatalog . LoadedFiles ( index# ) will return the Full Path / Filename of the Loaded .dll from directories.
} else {
AssemblyCatalog asm = cat;
Interaction.MsgBox(asm.Assembly.Location); // AssemblyCatalog . Assembly . Location will produce a string for the full Path/Filename of the loaded Assembly
Hope that helps, sorry if the C# is wrong in any way, I am more of a programmer than C#.Cheers