As an result of the directive not available after injection, I had to create a BooleanProperty in my ViewModel and set it during __OnImportsSatisfied__():
/// <summary>
/// Called when a part's imports have been satisfied and it is safe to use.
/// </summary>
public void OnImportsSatisfied()
// IPartImportsSatisfiedNotification is useful when you want to coordinate doing some work
// with imported parts independent of when the UI is visible.
Debug.WriteLine("HubPage OnImportsSatisfied instantiation");
Debug.WriteLine("directive WINDOWS_PHONE_APP is defined...");
this.ViewModel.Windows_Phone_App = true;
Debug.WriteLine("directive WINDOWS_APP is defined...");
this.ViewModel.Windows_Phone_App = false;
Debug.WriteLine("Error directive WINDOWS_PHONE_APP/WINDOWS_APP not defined...");