I run into this exception this morning because I find out that when I update from old CodePlex code to Microsoft.Composition NuGet package the sharing policy changed and I didn't set the sharing right using the new ConventionBuilder.
The reason is happen is because I've set part A to be shared (singleton) and part A import in ctor part B and part B was HttpContext boundary shared.
Why did we get unknown in there? That made the debug a bit more difficult.
I run into this exception this morning because I find out that when I update from old CodePlex code to Microsoft.Composition NuGet package the sharing policy changed and I didn't set the sharing right using the new ConventionBuilder.
The reason is happen is because I've set part A to be shared (singleton) and part A import in ctor part B and part B was HttpContext boundary shared.
Why did we get unknown in there? That made the debug a bit more difficult.